Book a Hootsuite Tutor

Using a Hootsuite tutor can help no matter what your goals are. You can receive Hootsuite training, Hootsuite help or simply fire off Hootsuite questions. You’re getting one on one time with a Hootsuite professional and you can use it however you like. Our tutors have seen it all so don’t worry if your request is a little unorthodox!

Our number one priority is making you happy and that means recruiting the best tutors. We thoroughly screen each tutor to make sure they are not only experts in Hootsuite but are also able to teach it effectively.

Our Guarantee

We will gladly refund you if you're unhappy for any reason at all.
We guarantee you'll be happy with your  training and tutoring!

Popular Reasons for Hootsuite Tutoring

Here are a few of the more popular uses of an Hootsuite tutor. However, you can use your time anyway you like!

Why people hire Hootsuite tutors
  • Hootsuite training for business or personal use
  • Fixing issues with Hootsuite
  • Learning the basics of Hootsuite
  • Managing multiple social media profiles with Hootsuite
  • Using the Hootsuite dashboard and tools effectively
  • Automating your social media presence using Hootsuite
  • Learning how to use Hootsuite to analyze your social media presence
  • Monitoring mentions of your brand with Hootsuite
A one hour tutorial with Hootsuite is $64

You will be able to pay for your Hootsuite lesson once we find the right tutor and time for you

What Our Students Are Saying

Jim, a happy student who received Hootsuite tutoring from a Hootsuite freelancer
The whole process was a lot simpler than I was expecting and seeing my tutor’s screen helped me understand exactly what was happening.
Michael, a happy student who booked a private Hootsuite consultant
Thanks for your patience with me. You made my day a lot easier!
Louise, she wanted personal Hootsuite lessons from a professional
I’m a big fan of articles and tutorials but sometimes it’s just easier to have someone walk you through the steps. I actually used a kind of joint strategy of learning a bit on my own through online videos and tutorials then filling in the gaps with a tutor. It worked great!

About TutorGrams

TutorGrams is simply an easy way to get one on one help for software programs or programming languages. You tell us what you're trying to learn and we will work hard to set you up with the perfect tutor. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or at if you have any questions whatsoever.